Supporting Yourself Through Self-Care - Web Article

Self-care is always a helpful tool for improving your mental health and wellness, but in challenging times like these when our normal lives are disrupted, it’s even more important to focus on taking care of yourself through regular self-care practices. We’ve put together a collection of self-care ideas that can help as you start incorporating self-care into your daily life. Everyone’s routine will look different, so start small and make sure to do things throughout your day that promote mental health and wellness in your life.

  1. Take care of your body
    Go back to the basics: Drink water; eat healthy, balanced meals; aim to get eight hours of sleep each night.

  2. Maintain or start a routine
    Continue to shower, get dressed, eat breakfast or whatever you need to do to make it feel like a regular morning.

  3. Set clear boundaries
    Clearly tell others what you will and will not participate in and stick with the boundary you define. Limit time on your phone and silence it at certain hours and remember to make and honor emotional boundaries too.

  4. Be self-aware about social media
    Notice your experience on social media. How do you feel when you are scrolling through your feed? If it is an unwanted feeling, take a break and change how and when you’re using it.

  5. Find enjoyable activities outside of work
    Set aside time to enjoy hobbies unrelated to your academic work. Find an activity that allows you to relax and slow down, like yoga, painting or journaling.

  6. Physical activity
    Talk a walk, dance in your apartment or check out Recreational Sport’s Group Fitness Live class schedule to get your workout in from home.

  7. Spend time with animals and nature
    Not everything is COVID-19 or school. Surround yourself with things that can remind you of the peace that exists. 

  8. Celebrate the small successes
    Keep a journal of proud moments and remind yourself that you are working toward a goal and you are closer every day. 

  9. Create time for spiritual connection if that’s important to you
    This could mean tuning in for a weekly yoga class, attending an online religious service or even reflecting on the beauty of nature. Find something meaningful that feels good to your spirit and make it a practice. 

  10. Find connection
    It is vital to have social support. Send a text to a friend or schedule a Zoom date for a few times per week to stay connected. You are not alone. 

Remember, it’s important to honor your emotions and it is okay if you need to talk to someone.

No matter if you’re near or far from campus, the university is here for you and is committed to supporting your mental health and wellness. Student Life’s Counseling and Consultation Service continues to provide mental health support services remotely. 

Consider signing up for a Let’s Talk mental health consultation if you need support. For additional resources, reach out to CCS by scheduling a phone screening at, calling 614-292-5766 during business hours or visiting

Kit LewisBlog, Ohio State